
if you cannot find answers there or have any comments or suggestions we welcome you to contact us directly.


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*You can zoom in while browsing with your mobile, just move your fingers away (2 fingers) as if you want to zoom in on the screen

Do not hesitate to ask for offers/help or some specific clarification for products that interest you, even if they are not in our catalog.
you can fill in the details in "we are online" below, 
We Respond in 1-3 hours with a full report about your shipment.


What you can do with this service.

1) Describe the product you like to see with a range of prices.
2) we sent you a SPECIAL OFFER link that you can see in our catalog category "SPECIAL OFFERS" with your Name
3)In your product you can read the full description and photos/videos of your product with the shipping time and delivery, also with the price you like, according to the range price you have specified.
4)You are not obliged, nor is there any obligation to buy the product, if you do not want it.
5) Describe a problem, and upload a photo.
6) Ask for help